Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry is the practice of caring for your teeth to prevent cavities, gum disease, enamel wear and more.

Regular check-ups will help you maintain excellent oral health. We offer you and your family general dentistry services. From six months cleanings to standard tooth extractions. We promise a comfortable and positive experience at your appointment.

In our practice we offer exceptional care for the entire family:
★ It is critical that children learn how to care for their teeth, even before permanent teeth emerges. Our dental professionals make it fun for kids to visit the Dentist, ensuring they will develop good habits that last a lifetime.
★ Teens need regular check-ups to ensure continued oral health as they move into adulthood. Issues with tooth alignment often emerge at this age, requiring specialized attention from our orthodontic experts. Our full range of dental services address all of these issues.
★ The condition of teeth can change as we age. Adults need regular dental care to maintain good oral health.
★ Seniors need specialized dental services that focuses on the effects of aging of the gums and teeth. We offer exceptional care for seniors from general cleanings to specialized periodontics needs and even possible denture care.

Dental Procedures Involved In Preventive Dentistry:
1. Application of pit and fissure sealants
2. Fluoride application
3. Oral prophylaxis every once in six months
4. Serial extraction for kids
5. Space maintainers for kids

Preventive Dentistry is for all. Starting right from childhood when the teeth are just emerging to the stage when one might have a chance of losing their teeth or have lost some. In kids, they help in preventing the teeth from getting decayed and also helps your newly grown permanent teeth to stay strong and fit. In growing adults, this keeps the permanent teeth healthy which eventually can be a reason for healthy living. Because Oral Health is a window to your overall health, therefore, keeping your teeth protected ensures healthy living and more years to your age.

This type of prosthesis is referred to as a removable partial denture because patients can remove and reinsert it when required without professional help. Conversely, a "fixed" prosthesis can and should be removed only by a dental professional.